Dover Park Neighbor Picnic & Story Share

Saturday, October 1, 2022

3.30PM - 6.30PM

Dover Street Edible Park, Bushrod 94609, North Oakland

Neighbors, families, friends, and residents of North Oakland gathered together on a beautiful Saturday afternoon at the Dover Street Edible Park for an educational Garden Tour, seed swapping session and shared picnic. A video animation for the Black Panther Party’s 65 survival programs were featured on HEAR/HERE’s digital billboard! It was truly enlightening to listen to the history and stories of longtime neighbors Dr Saturu Ned (original Black Panther Party member), and Terri Woodfolk-Nelson, after which those attended were invited to share their own stories. Many heartfelt tributes to neighbors were given, bringing everyone closer together through knowledge and appreciation.

How do you want your neighborhood to feel?

Who is legendary on your block, and how do you want to honor them?